honesty & Transparency

Miami's systematic corruption will not survive with a present and vocal Mayor Savage.

Preservation & Environment

We must protect and protect our environment and preserve historical city buildings and properties.

Safety & security

Our city safety services do not meet national standards and our secuirty is at risk.

our voices matter, Miami citizens Matter

Fiscal responsibility & Economic prospertiy

Property tax cuts for homeowners and seniors are essential for a thriving local economy. Local businesses are essential parts of our economy. June will fight for small business and a fiscally responsible Miami to preserve your tax dollars.

First responders

Our first responders need our support and the proper equipment to protect and serve citizens.

Environmental resilence

Fight for Biscayne Bay, trees, and our natural environmental conservation.

homelessness & affordable housing

As a real estate agent, June knows how to solve Miami's housing crisis.

Building & permitting

Simplify the processes for building permits and validate

full body workouts that leave you energized

go beyond your limits

Our Clients Believe in Us

Crazy Summer Sale!

25% off

your first year of membershiP